Mama Kawser's Mango Sticky Rice
5 Tbsp of icing sugar
1/2 tsp of salt
1 can of coconut cream (recommend Ayam brand)
1 Tbsp of Jasmine extract
1 cup of Glutinous rice
2 Tbsp of Corn starch
1/4 cup of Almonds, chopped
Mangoes, sliced
Soak glutinous rice in water for one hour (water should be 2cm above rice)
After rice is soaked, add a bit more water and cook in microwave for 13min
Add coconut cream in pot with icing sugar and salt and keep stirring on low heat (never boil or else the coconut cream will separate)
Pour coconut cream mixture gradually into cooked glutinous rice and stir slowly with chopsticks (spoon is too harsh and will break rice)
Add jasmine extract to leftover coconut cream mixture and then continue to gradually add to cooked glutinous rice
Cover soaked glutinous rice with glad wrap and let it sit
Mix corn starch with water (not hot water, should be milky white)
Add corn starch mixture to leftover coconut cream mixture to create sauce (still on low heat on stove, mixture should be thick)
Toast almonds on frying pan (no oil, medium heat) and then chop into small pieces
Serve glutinous rice with sliced mangoes, topped with coconut cream/corn starch sauce and chopped up almonds